SCIENCE contradicts BIBLE six ways

WHAT SCIENCE SAYS                                               WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS


Sun/stars existed before earth                                 Earth created before sun/stars

Sun is earth's first light                                                Light on earth before sun

First life = marine organisms                                     First life = land plants

Reptiles predate birds                                                  Birds predate land reptiles

Land mammals predate whales                                  Whales predate land mammals

Disease/death precede man                                           Disease/death result from man's sin


[All of the above information is clearly spelled out for you in Dr. Jonathn Sarfati's book, "REFUTING COMPROMISE," which can be purchased by going to:  ]




Please listen to LeBeau's podcast interview with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati regarding his book, "REFUTING COMPROMISE."  GO TO>>>  and scroll down to APRIL 25, 2011 INTERVIEW.  [tHERE IS A FOLLOW-UP INTERVIEW ON jUNE 20TH regarding Sarfati's book, "BY DESIGN."